On this page you can find information and today’s value of you artwork from Tellus Vituz.
With each artwork comes a document called “details and facts about work of art”. You can find this document online by scanning the qr code attached to the back of the artwork. On this document you will find information about quality, size, tecnique, priselevel etc. about your artwork. If the qr code has been torn off and you do not have this document-dont hessitate to contact us at tellusvituz@tellusvituz.com
The price of your artwork depends on factors such as the tecnique, choise of material, quality etc. To calculate the exact price of your artwork with todays value, you simply enter the measurements ( hight times width) that you find in the document “details and facts about work of art”. The answer you get is the number of square centimeters in the artwork. You can find the price per square centimeter by comparing the current price list with the artworks price level. ( remember to read in correct column, e.g painting, ink drawing, etc). The pricelist shows the price of square centimeter, exept for grafitti- the price per square meter is shown there